‘Neige de Coton’

Written by Soojung Park, Illustrated by Grace Moon

In collaboration with Books International and writer Soojung Park, over the course of several months, the book Neige de Coton was born. It tells a story of young girl from Africa, named Walilou, who learns about the wonders of snow.
The book was to be shared with the young students of Burkina Faso, where the dominant language is French. Shown below are some samples from the story book.

Translation: It’s a Sunday afternoon, when the sun shines brightly. It’s Walilu’s favorite time of day. / Every Sunday afternoon, papa tells me a new story under the shade of our big mango tree.
뜨거운 햇살이 내리 쬐는 일요일 오후. 왈릴루가 가장 좋아하는 시간이에요.  / 커다란 망고나무 그늘 아래에서 아빠가 재미난 이야기를 해 주거든요.

Translation: “How about a story of cold white snow falling from the sky?” “Isn’t that called rain?” / Papa smiled and replied, “Hmm. When the weather gets cold, rain freezes to ice and turns to snow.”
“오늘은 하늘에서 내리는 차갑고 하얀 눈에 대해 얘기해 줄까?”  “하늘에서 내리는 차가운 것은 비 아니에요?” 왈릴루가 물었어요. / “음... 날씨가 많이 추워지면 비가 차갑게 얼어버리지.” 아빠가 웃으며 말했어요.

Translation: “Snow is white as flour, and cold as ice.” /  “When snow falls, the whole world turns white. When you walk in snow, you can leave footprints behind you.”
“눈은 밀가루처럼 새하얗고, 만지면 얼음처럼 아주 차가워.” / “눈이 내리면 세상이 하얗게 뒤덮인단다. 하얗게 쌓인 눈 위를 걸어다니면 발자국도 남길 수 있어.”

Translation: Walilou asks, “When it snows, can I touch the snow?” /  Papa replies somberly, “It doesn’t snow here. Snow falls in a very cold country, or very high up in the mountains like in Tanzania.”
“나도 눈을 직접 보고 만질 수 있나요?” 왈릴루가 아빠에게 물었어요. / “여기는 눈이 내리지 않아. 몸이 오들오들 떨리는 아주 추운 나라로 가야 눈을 볼 수 있어. 아니면 탄자니아에 있는 산처럼 아주 높이 높이 올라가야 볼 수 있어" 아빠가 말했어요.

Translation: Walilou reaches out to touch the white fluffy snowflakes. “Wow! So this is snow.” /  “It’s not cold. It’s very warm!”
왈릴루는 손을 뻗어 눈송이를 만져 보았어요.  “이게 눈이구나" / 이건 차갑지 않은 걸? 아주 따뜻해.

Translation: “It’s snow! Warm and fluffy snow!”
  “눈이에요, 눈! 차갑진 않지만 따뜻하고 보송보송한 눈이요!” 


Books International 북스인터내셔널 (www.booksinternational.net)
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Otoloo 오톨루 (www.otoloo.com)
From 0 to 100 years old, your life is a story.


‘Neige de Coton’ in Burkina Faso


‘Neige de Coton’ Movie w/ Ecole Publique Pierre Scize